Voter+ Campaign

The Voter+ Campaign is a platform for US voters, not-
yet-voters and nonvoters, who do not have children.

US Demographic Voters

Thank you for voting in this critical presidential election. When you use NLI’s platform to register to vote or check your voter status, you are counted in the demographic of people who do not have children.
We vote! We count!

US Voter+Demographic 

In the absence of demographic statistics that truly represent us, NLI launched the Voter+ Campaign as a long-term voter+ demographic count. This includes anyone who doesn’t have children for any reason, regardless of voter status.


Amplifying the Campaign

NLI’s Voter+ Campaign is open to people who do not have children. We are counting on you to participate and request that you share this information with others to rapidly grow participation within the initial trial window.

We are Counting on People Without Children!

Joyful senior Mexican woman at voting center.

US Voters Without Children

Our campaign is powered by Vote.Org, and your entry will give NLI an ongoing user count. You can register to vote below! If you are already registered, simply check your voter status, choose election updates, or see what is on your ballet to be counted!  Ends on November 15th!

Diverse group of people in a queue using their phones for change

US Nonvoters Without Children

If you are age 18+ and do not vote or are ineligible to vote for any reason, we want you to count yourself in! NLI will conduct an overall demographic count, and invites every person in the US who does not have children, to participate!
Begins on November 15th!

Diverse group of students with happy expressions sitting

Join the Voter+ Campaign Crew!

The Voter+ Campaign is a unique opportunity to participate in a campaign for people without children. Will you volunteer to co-organize for your state or local community?  We also invite volunteers from universities, community organizations and institutions to extend the reach of this campaign! 

US Voter Options & Forms

A young black woman voting at the poll booth.

We Vote. We Count. Count Yourself In Today!

Send Us a Message

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